For all the datasets of different cameras, FIVE types of files are provided: RAW images: The original camera dependent RAW images. You can reprocess these RAW images if you need them for other purposes. JPEG images: The original camera default output JPG images, which are given to show the content of each image. To be noted, the JPG image size is slitly smaller than the according RAW image size due to the cropping process inside the camera. PNG images: Our proccessed images files using the DCRAW software. Arguments '-D -4 -T' was used to just extract the original linear image data. No further demosaicing was done, but only downsmapling according to bayer pattern to create a color image. Color patterns of all 8 cameras, except the Fujifilm X-M1, are all variations to the standard RGGB Bayer patter, so the original DCRAW coverted images were downsampled by factor 2. The pattern used by the Fujifilm X-M1 is a noval 6*6 pattern, which is termed X-Trans by Fujifilm, but in every 3*3 block, there exists RGB, so the images from Fujifilm X-M1 camera were downsampleed by factor 3. Color-Checker information files: The * file contains the color checker information including the mask positions and colors of all the patches. There are two files for each image: *_mask.txt -- Includes the ROIs of the color-checker as well as all 24 patches. The first line is the ROI of the color-checker while the next 48 lines are respectively x-coordinates and y-coordinates of four warping rectangle corners of 24 patches. For example, the first 3 lines maybe: 92.318,1304,591.65,425.28 35.232,35.452,91.167,90.676 317.83,369.93,367.37,315.28 Use the following matlab code to extract the color patch: roi = [92.318,1304,591.65,425.28]; xm = [35.232,35.452,91.167,90.676]; ym = [317.83,369.93,367.37,315.28]; Icc = imcrop(image,roi); pch = poly2mask([xm xm(1)], [ym ym(1)], size(Icc,1), size(Icc,2)); *_color.txt -- Mean colors of all the 24 patches inside each ROI defined in its *_mask.txt file, starting from bottom to top and left to right, so that the achromatic patches are the first six. Groundtruth .mat file: A matlab matrix file that contains necessary information for processing all the images, including groudtruth illuminants extracted form color-checkers. The structures of all the groundtruth .mat files are the same: all_image_names -- all the image names groundtruth_illuminants -- the according groudtruth illuminants of all the images CC_coords -- the coordinates of the color-check in the image the upper left corner is [CC_coords(1), CC_coords(3)] the lower ight corner is [CC_coords(2), CC_coords(4)] darkness_level -- use with saturation_level to normalize the image (must be subtracted from the original images before any usage) saturation_level -- use with darkness_level to normalize the image and detect regions possibly saturated (to detect the possibly saturated pixels, a threshold less than this saturation_level is recommended, like 98% of the saturation_level, as the estimation of this saturation_level may not be accurate) Repurpose .mat file: A matlab matrix file that contains the information related to our re-purposing the dateset for color constancy evaluation. all_image_names -- all the image names (to correspond to the original Groundtruth .mat file) isindoor -- is the image indoor or outdoor image checker_color -- the color of each patch in the original image cc_color_ref -- the ground truth (reference) RAW color of each patch in the ColorChecker D_all -- the traditional diagonal correction matrix T_all -- the optimal full matrix correction matrix cc_color_D -- the diagonal matrix corrected colors of each patch in the ColorChecker cc_color_T -- the optimal full matrix corrected colors of each patch